GSTC criteria and indicators insight (B, C and D)

This is the second and final part of the criteria and indicator insight, the first part is available here.  

If you wish to download the criteria (please note they are separated from hotels, tour operators and destinations). They are available through the link below.

  • Industry: hotel and tour operators 

Hotel ( )

Tour Operators ( )

gstc logo

B1 Community support (hotel)

The organisation actively supports initiatives for local infrastructure and social community development. Examples of initiatives include education, training, health and sanitation and projects addressing climate change’s impacts.


  1. The organization engages with the local community in identifying needs and opportunities for support and evaluating their potential benefit/impact.
  2. The level and nature of contributions made to schemes in the local community is recorded.
  3. The local community is offered the opportunity to access the tourism facilities and services provided. 

(B1) Tour operator

  1. The organization supports initiatives with local communities in areas where it is particularly active.
    b. The level and nature of contributions made to schemes in the local communities is recorded.
    c. In selecting service providers and products/experiences to feature in programmes, the organization favours those that engage with and support local communities. 

Support for community B4(destination)

The destination has a system to enable and encourage enterprises, visitors, and the public to contribute to community and sustainability initiatives in a responsible manner.

  1. Support for local community and sustainability initiatives by local tourism enterprises is encouraged and facilitated.
    b. Schemes exist, and are promoted, for visitors to support local community and sustainability initiatives.
    c. Volunteering and engagement with the community does not involve intrusion or exploitation.

SDG: 3,4

B2 Local employment (hotel)

Local residents are given equal opportunities for employment and advancement, including in management positions.
a. The proportion of total employment from persons already residing in the local community is measured and managed.
b. The proportion of employment in management positions from persons already residing in the local community is measured and managed.
c. Training is offered to local residents to enhance their employment Opportunities.

Tour Operator (a – d)

  1. The organization seeks to provide employment opportunities for local residents in its operations and activities.
    b. The organization monitors the level and proportion of employment it provides for local residents.
    c. Training is offered to local residents to enhance their employment opportunities.
    d. In selecting service providers and products/experiences to feature in programmes, the organization favours those that that provide local employment.

B3 Local purchasing (hotel)

When purchasing and offering goods and services,the organization gives priority to local and fair trade suppliers whenever these are available and of sufficient quality.

  1. The organisation regularly audits its sources of supply of goods and services.
    b. The proportion of goods and services purchased from locally owned and operated businesses is measured and managed.
    c. The proportion of non-locally owned or operated suppliers that are fair trade is measured and managed.

Tour Operator (a,b)
The organization regularly audits its sources of supply of goods and services.

In selecting service providers and products/experiences to feature in programmes, the organization favours those that are locally owned and operated.
SDG: 2,8, 12

Measuring the economic contribution of tourism B1 (destination)

The direct and indirect economic contribution of tourism to the destination’s economy is monitored and publicly reported. Appropriate measures may include levels of visitor volume, visitor expenditure, employment and investment and evidence on the distribution of economic benefits.

a.Programme of economic data gathering.
b. Annual reports on the direct and indirect economic contribution of tourism in the destination.
c. Data covering a range of measures of economic impact (e.g. volume, expenditure, employment, investment and spread of economic benefit in the destination).
SDG: 1,8, 9

B4 Local entrepreneurs (hotel/ TO)

The organization supports local entrepreneurs in the development and sale of sustainable products and services that are based on the area’s nature, history and culture.

a. Locally owned businesses are given access to premises and customers for commercial activity.
b. Where appropriate, the organization provides advice and support to local service providers with whom it engages, on the quality and sustainability of their service.
c. Opportunities for joint ventures and partnerships with local entrepreneurs are considered and pursued where appropriate.
SDG: 8,12

Supporting local entrepreneurs and fair trade B3 (destination)

The destination encourages the retention of tourism spending in the local economy through supporting local enterprises, supply chains and sustainable investment. 

It promotes the development and purchase of local sustainable products based on fair trade principles and that reflect the area’s nature and culture. These may include food and beverages, crafts, performance arts, agricultural products, etc.

a.Advice, finance or other support – available in the destination for tourism-related SMEs.
b. Assistance with market access for local tourism￾related SMEs.
c. Action to encourage and assist local tourism enterprises to purchase goods and services locally.
d. Initiatives to help local farmers, artisans and food producers to engage in the tourism value chain.
e. Local produce and crafts identified, promoted and available for sale to visitors in the destination.
SDG: 2, 8, 12

B5 Exploitation and harassment (hotel)

The organization has implemented a policy against commercial, sexual or any other form of exploitation or harassment, particularly of children, adolescents, women, minorities and other vulnerable groups.

a.The organization has a documented policy against exploitation and harassment of vulnerable groups.
b. Action is taken to communicate and implement the policy.
c. The organization engages with the local community in working against exploitation and harassment.
d. Records of employee ages are kept and show absence of any form of child labour (as defined by ILO).
e. The organization supports action against child sex tourism.

Tour Operator

Services providers and premises where there is any evidence of possible exploitation are not contracted or visited.

Preventing exploitation and discrimination B5 (destination)

The destination upholds international standards on human rights. It has laws, practices and an established code of conduct to prevent and report on human trafficking, modern slavery and commercial, sexual, or any other form of exploitation, discrimination and harassment of or against anyone, particularly children, adolescents, women,LGBT and other minorities.

The laws and established practices are publicly communicated and enforced.

a.Reference (title, date) to specific laws that pertain in the destination regarding human rights, exploitation, discrimination and harassment.
b. Evidence of communication and enforcement of above laws and related good practice (including to tourism enterprises and visitors).
c. Risk and impact analysis regarding human rights, including human trafficking, modern slavery and child labour – conducted regularly.
d. Destination and key tourism players are signatories to the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism.
SDG 10,16

B6 Equal opportunity (hotel /tour operator)

The organization offers employment opportunities, including in management positions, without discrimination by gender, race, religion,disability or in other ways.

a.The organization has identified groups at risk of discrimination, including women and local minorities.
b. The proportion of employees drawn from each of these groups is monitored and is commensurate with local demographics.
c. Internal promotion includes members of these groups. SDG: 5,10

B7 Decent work (hotel/TO)

Labour rights are respected, a safe and secure working environment is provided and employees are paid at least a living wage.
Employees are offered regular training, experience and opportunities for advancement.

a.The organization demonstrates awareness of, and compliance with,international labour standards and regulations.
b. Wage levels are monitored and regularly reviewed against national norms for a living wage.
c. Training records are kept for all staff, showing the level and frequency of training received.
d. Employee contracts show support for health care and social security.
e. Water, sanitation and hygiene facilities are provided for all onsite workers.
f. Employee satisfaction is monitored.
g. An employee grievance mechanism is in place.

Tour Operator
SDG: 1,4, 8

Decent work and career opportunities b2 (destinations)

The destination encourages and supports career opportunities and training in tourism. 

The destination’s tourism enterprises commit to providing equality of opportunity for local employment, training and advancement, a safe and secure working environment, and a living wage for all.

a.Provision of relevant skills training programmes/courses, available locally.
b. Statements of commitment by tourism enterprises to the provision of decent work/career opportunities.
c. Training and employment opportunities promoted to and taken up by local people, including women, young people, minorities and people with disabilities.
d. Channels for checking working conditions and receiving/handling grievances (e.g. involvement of labour unions).
SDG: 8,4,5,10

B8 Community services (hotel/to)

The activities of the organization do not jeopardize the provision of basic services, such as food, water, energy, healthcare or sanitation, to neighbouring communities.

a.The organization monitors its impact on the availability of local services.
b. A communication/feedback/grievance mechanism is in place for local communities.
c. Any reduction in availability of basic services to local communities, identified as the result of the organization’s activities, is addressed.
SDG: 6, 11, 12

B9 Local livelihoods (hotel /to)

The activities of the organization do not adversely affect local access to livelihoods, including land and aquatic resource use, rights-of-way, transport and housing.

a.Local access to livelihoods is considered in decisions about development and operations.
b. A communication mechanism is in place for local communities to report any instance of reduced access to local livelihoods.
SDG: 11, 12

Property and user rights B6 (destination)

Laws and regulations regarding property rights and acquisitions are documented and enforced. They comply with communal and indigenous rights, ensure public consultation and do not authorize resettlement without free prior and informed consent and fair and just compensation.

Laws and regulations also protect user and access rights to key resources.

a. Reference (title, date) to specific laws that pertain in the destination regarding property rights and acquisitions and user and access rights to resources.
b. Reference in the above laws to communal and indigenous rights, public consultation and resettlement.
c. Evidence of enforcement of the above laws in the context of tourism development and activity.
d.Evidence of community consultation, consent and compensation.
SDG: 11,16

Safety and security B7 (destination)

The destination has a system to monitor, prevent, publicly report, and respond to crime, safety, and health hazards that address the needs of both visitors and residents.

Security and health services are well established and active in the destination.
The needs of visitors are identified and addressed in the delivery of security and health services.
Tourism facilities are inspected for compliance with safety and hygiene standards.
SDG: 3,16

Access for all B8 (destination)

Where practical, sites, facilities and services, including those of natural and cultural importance, are accessible to all, including persons with disabilities and others who have specific access requirements or other special needs. Where sites and facilities are not immediately accessible, access is afforded through the design and implementation of solutions that take into account both the integrity of the site and such reasonable accommodations for persons with access requirements as can be achieved. Information is made available on the accessibility of sites, facilities and services.

a. The existence of any regulations and standards regarding the accessibility of visitor sites, facilities and services.
b.Consistent application of accessibility standards in public facilities.
c.Data on the extent/proportion of visitor sites and facilities that are accessible.
d.Evidence of programmes to improve access for people with a range of access needs.
e.Information on accessibility included in communications about the destination as a whole.
f.Details of accessibility included in visitor information about key sites.
SDG: 3, 10

C1 Cultural interactions (hotel)

The organization follows international and national good practice and locally agreed guidance for the management and promotion of visits to indigenous communities and culturally or historically sensitive sites in order to minimize adverse impacts and maximize local benefits and visitor fulfilment.

a.The organization demonstrates awareness of, and compliance with, existing international, national and local good practice and guidance for tourist visits to cultural sites and indigenous communities.
b. The organization engages with communities/sites in reviewing guidance and creating and agreeing additional guidelines as necessary.
c. Guidelines are effectively used and communicated.
d. Particular measures are in place to avoid inappropriate interaction with children.

Tour operator

a.The organization demonstrates awareness of, and compliance with, existing international, national and local good practice and guidance for tourist visits to cultural sites and indigenous communities.
b. The organization engages with communities/sites in reviewing guidance and creating and agreeing additional guidelines as necessary.
c. Guidelines are effectively used and communicated.
d. Particular measures are in place to avoid inappropriate interaction with children.
e. The organization participates in/supports training and use of local guides.
f. Consideration is given to the capacity and fragility of sites and communities, and to the levels of pressure on them, in determining the size, frequency and timing of group visits.
g. Feedback from local communities and from visitors is encouraged and acted upon.
SDG: 4, 11, 12.

Visitor management at cultural sites C6 (destinations)

The destination has a system for the management of visitors within and around cultural sites, which takes account of their characteristics, capacity and sensitivity and seeks to optimize visitor flow and minimize adverse impacts. 

Guidelines for visitor behaviour at sensitive sites and cultural events are made available to visitors, tour operators and guides before and at the time of the visit. 

a. Monitoring of visitor flows and impact on cultural sites, with results shared across the destination.
b. Evidence of action to manage tourism-related impacts in or around cultural sites.
c. Existence and distribution of published guidelines on visitor behaviour at sensitive sites and cultural events and periodic monitoring of compliance.
d. A code of practice for tour operators and tour guides and/or other engagement with them on visitor management at cultural sites.
e. Provision of training for guides. 

C2 Protecting cultural heritage (hotel/ tour operator)

The organization contributes to the protection, preservation and enhancement of local properties, sites and traditions of historical, archaeological,cultural and spiritual significance and does not impede access to them by local residents.

a.The organization makes and records monetary contributions to the protection of cultural heritage.
b. The organization provides in-kind or other support for cultural heritage.
c. Provision is made for local access to sites.
SDG: 11

Protection of cultural assets C1(destination)

The destination has a policy and system to evaluate, rehabilitate, and conserve cultural assets, including built heritage and cultural landscapes. 

a.Lists of cultural assets, including evaluation and indication of vulnerability.
b. Programme of rehabilitation and conservation of assets.
c. Mechanisms for using income from tourism to support conservation of cultural assets.
SDG: 11

Traditional access C4 (destination)

The destination monitors, protects, and when necessary rehabilitates or restores local community access to natural and cultural sites.

a.Monitoring of accessibility to natural and cultural sites for the local community.
b. Evidence of engagement with the local community regarding traditional access.
c. Specific action to protect and/or rehabilitate local community access.

Intangible heritage C3 (destination)

The destination supports the celebration and protection of intangible cultural heritage, including local traditions, arts, music,language, gastronomy and other aspects of local identity and distinctiveness. 

The presentation, replication and interpretation of living culture and traditions is sensitive and respectful, seeks to involve and benefit local communities, and provides visitors with an authentic and genuine experience. 

a.Identification and listing of intangible cultural heritage.
b. Examples of celebration and visitor experiences of intangible cultural heritage (events, distinctive products etc.).
c. Evidence of involvement of local and indigenous communities in developing and delivering visitor experiences based on intangible cultural heritage.
d. Feedback from visitors and local communities on delivery of intangible heritage experiences. 
SDG: 11,12

C3 Presenting culture and heritage (hotel)

The organization values and incorporates authentic elements of traditional and contemporary local culture in its operations, design, decoration, cuisine, or shops, while respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities.

a. Local art/craft is reflected in design and furnishings.
b. Living cultural heritage and traditions are evident in cuisine, retail, events and other services offered.
c. Copyright and intellectual property rights have been observed and necessary permissions obtained.
d. The views of the local community have been sought on the presentation of local cultural heritage.

Tour operator

  1. Sites visited and experiences offered provide an authentic experience of local culture and heritage. 

SDG: 11,12

Intellectual property C5 (destination)

The destination has a system to contribute to the protection and preservation of intellectual property rights of communities and individuals.

a.Reference to laws on intellectual property pertaining in the destination (title, date).
b. Communication of intellectual property rights to tourism stakeholders.
c. Evidence that intellectual property rights are protected in the development of cultural experiences for visitors.
SDG: 16

Site interpretation C7 (destination)

Accurate interpretative material is provided which informs visitors of the significance of the cultural and natural aspects of the sites they visit. The information is culturally appropriate, developed with host community collaboration, and clearly communicated in languages pertinent to visitors and residents.

a. Provision of informative interpretative material on site and in formats that are accessible pre-arrival.
b. Evidence that interpretative material has been well researched and is accurate.
c. Interpretation material that identifies the significance and sensitivity/fragility of sites.
d. Evidence of host community collaboration in preparation of relevant interpretative material.
e. Interpretative material available in relevant languages.

C4 Artefacts (hotel/ to)

Historical and archaeological artefacts are not sold, traded or displayed, except as permitted by local and international law.

a.Any use of artefacts is transparent and/or documented and reported.
b. Where artefacts are used, laws and bylaws have been identified that permit such use.
c. Visitors are prevented from removing or damaging artefacts.
SDG: 11

Cultural artefacts C2 (destination)

The destination has laws governing the proper sale, trade, display, or gifting of historical and archaeological artefacts. The laws are enforced and publicly communicated, including to tourism enterprises and visitors.

a.Reference to relevant laws relating to historical artefacts pertaining in the destination (title, date).
b. Evidence of communication of relevant laws to tourism enterprises and visitors.
c. Evidence of enforcement of relevant laws.
SDG: 11

D1 Conserving resources

D1.1 Environmentally preferable purchasing (hotel/ TO)

Purchasing policies favour environmentally sustainable suppliers and products, including capital goods, food, beverages, building materials and consumables.

a.A documented environmental purchasing policy is in place.
b. Preference is given to products and suppliers with environmental certification – notably with respect to wood, paper, fish, other foods, and products from the wild.
c. Where certified products and suppliers are not available, consideration is given to origin and methods of growing or production.
d. Threatened species are not used or sold.

Tour operator

Service providers and other operators selected and featured in tours have environmental/sustainability certification where possible.

Where certified businesses are not available, the sustainability performance of service providers is considered and required improvements are communicated and implemented
SDG: 12

D1.2 Efficient purchasing (hotel/ TO)

The organization carefully manages the purchasing of consumable and disposable goods, including food, in order to minimize waste. 

a.Purchasing favours reusable, returnable and recycled goods.
b. Purchasing and use of consumable and disposable goods are monitored and managed.
c. Unnecessary packaging (especially from plastic) is avoided, with buying in bulk as appropriate. 

SDG: 12

D1.3 Energy conservation (hotel)

Energy consumption is measured by type and steps are taken to minimize overall consumption. The organization makes efforts to increase its use of renewable energy.

a.Total energy used is monitored and managed.
b. Energy used per tourist/night for each type of energy is monitored and managed.
c. Renewable sources are favoured and the share of renewable energy in total energy supply is monitored and managed.
d. Equipment and practices are used that minimize energy use.
e. Goals for reducing energy consumption are in place.
f. Staff and guests are given guidance on minimizing energy use.

Tour Operator

a.Energy used in the organization’s operations and those over which it has direct influence/control is monitored and managed.
b. Renewable sources are favoured and the share of renewable energy in total energy supply is monitored and managed.
c. Equipment and practices are used that minimize energy use.
d. Goals for reducing energy consumption are in place.
e. Staff and guests are given guidance on minimizing energy use. 
SDG: 7

Energy conservation D5 (destination)

The destination has targets to reduce energy consumption, improve efficiency in its use, as well as increase the use of renewable energy. 

The destination has a system to encourage enterprises to measure, monitor, reduce, and publicly report their contribution to these targets.

a.Energy consumption targets are publicised and promoted.
b. Programme to increase energy efficiency – e.g. promoting and supporting insulation.
c. Investment in renewable energy and percent of total provision/consumption.
d. Support and incentives for energy monitoring and reduction by enterprises. 
SDG: 7

D1.4 Water conservation (hotel/ to)

Water risk is assessed, water consumption is measured by type, and steps are taken to minimize overall consumption. Water sourcing is sustainable and does not adversely affect environmental flows. In areas of high water risk,context-based water stewardship goals are identified and pursued.

a. Water risk has been assessed and documented.
b. Where water risk has been assessed as high, water stewardship goals have been determined.
c. Water used per tourist/night per source is monitored and managed.
d. Equipment and practices are used that minimize water consumption.
e. Water originates from a legal and sustainable source which has not previously affected, and is unlikely in future to affect, environmental flows.
f. Consideration is given to cumulative impacts of tourism in the locality on water sources.
g. Goals for reducing water consumption are in place.
h. Staff and guests are given guidance on minimizing water use.
SDG: 6

Water stewardship D6 (destination)

The destination encourages enterprises to measure, monitor, publicly report and manage water usage. Water risk in the destination is assessed and documented. In cases of high water risk, water stewardship goals are identified and actively pursued with enterprises, to ensure that tourism use does not conflict with the needs of local communities and ecosystems.

a.Provision of guidance and support for monitoring and reduction of water usage by enterprises.
b. Program to regularly assess water risk.
c. Setting, publication and enforcement of water stewardship goals, where water risk has been assessed as high.
d. Monitoring and control of sources and volume of water used for tourism purposes and its effect on local communities and ecosystems. Promotion and checking of adherence to goals by tourism enterprises.
e. Visitor information on water risk and minimising water use.
SDG: 6

Water quality D7 ( destination)

The destination uses quality standards to monitor water quality for drinking, recreational, and ecological purposes. The monitoring results are publicly available, and the destination has a system to respond promptly to water quality issues. 

a. Programme of water quality monitoring.
b. Existence of data and reports on water quality.
c. Monitoring bathing water, with certification and identifying sites reaching set standards.
d. Evidence of actions to improve water quality.
e. Information for visitors on local drinking water quality to encourage use as an alternative to bottled water.
SDG: 3,6

D2 Reducing pollution

D2.1 Greenhouse gas emissions (hotel/ to)

Significant greenhouse gas emissions from all sources controlled by the organisation are identified, calculated where possible and procedures implemented to avoid or to minimise them. Offsetting of the organisation’s remaining emissions is encouraged.

a.Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions are monitored and managed.
b. Carbon Footprint per tourist/night is monitored and managed.
c. Actions are taken to avoid and reduce significant annual emissions from all sources controlled by the organization.
d. Carbon offset mechanisms are used where practical.

Actions are taken to encourage suppliers of products and services to avoid and reduce significant annual emissions.
SDG: 13

GHG Emissions and climate mitigation change mitigation D10 ( destination)

The destination has targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and implements and reports on mitigation policies and actions. 

Enterprises are encouraged to measure, monitor, reduce or minimise, publicly report and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from all aspects of their operation (including from suppliers and service providers). Offsetting of any remaining emissions is encouraged.

Published target for percentage of emissions reduction by specified date.
b. Annual climate report, including monitoring and mitigation actions.
c. Supported campaign or other engagement with tourism enterprises on reduction and mitigation of emissions.
d. Action to reduce emissions from public sector operations
e. Information for enterprises and visitors on offsetting schemes that meet recognised standards. 
SDG: 13

D2.2 Transport (hotel / Tour operator)

The organization seeks to reduce transportation requirements and actively encourages the use of cleaner and more resource efficient alternatives by customers, employees, suppliers and in its own operations.

a.Information is provided and promoted to customers on alternative (climate friendly) transport options, for arrival, departure and during their visit.
b. Alternative transport options (e.g. bike rental, car sharing, pick-ups) for guests and staff are provided or facilitated.
c. Markets accessible by short and more sustainable transport options are favoured.
d. Local suppliers are favoured and daily operations seek to minimize transport use.

Where practical and feasible, the cleanest and most resource efficient transport options are used in the provision of tour programmes and excursions.
SDG: 11,13

Low impact transportation D11 ( destination)

The destination has targets to reduce transport emissions from travel to and within the destination. An increase in the use of sustainable, low-emissions vehicles and public transport and active travel (e.g., walking and cycling) is sought in order to reduce the contribution of tourism to air pollution, congestion and climate change.

a.Investment in more sustainable transport infrastructure, including public transport and low emissions vehicles.
b. Information promoted to visitors on alternative transport options to and within the destination
c. Data on visitor use of alternative transport modes.
d. Improvement and promotion of cycling and walking opportunities.
e. Prioritization of visitor markets accessible by short and more sustainable transport options.
f. Public sector and tourism enterprises prioritise low-impact transportation in their own operations.
SDG: 9,13

D2.3 Wastewater (hotel/ To)

Wastewater, including grey water, is effectively treated and is only reused or released safely, with no adverse effects to the local population or the environment.

  1. Wastewater is disposed of in a municipal or government-approved treatment system if available.
    b. If suitable municipal wastewater treatment is unavailable, a system is in place to treat wastewater (that meets international wastewater quality requirements). It ensures no adverse effects on the local population and the environment.

Tour Operator

The organization is aware of wastewater treatment arrangements in the main destinations visited, and seeks to influence their improvement where necessary and practicable.

Wastewater resulting from organization’s operations and those over which it has direct influence/control is disposed of to a municipal or government approved treatment system, if available.

If suitable municipal wastewater treatment is not available, there is a system in place on site to treat wastewater (that meets international wastewater quality requirements) and ensures no adverse effects on the local population and the environment.
SDG: 3, 6

Wastewater D8 (destination)

The destination has clear and enforced guidelines in place for the siting, maintenance and testing of discharge from septic tanks and wastewater treatment systems. 

The destination ensures that wastes are properly treated and reused or released safely without adverse impacts on the local population and the environment.

a. Written guidelines and regulations on wastewater treatment.
b. System of enforcing guidelines amongst enterprises.
c. Monitoring/testing of released wastewater.
d. Provisional of sustainable municipal water treatment systems, for use by the tourism sector, where practical and appropriate. 
SDG: 3,14

D2.4 Solid waste (hotel/ to)

Waste, including food waste, is measured, mechanisms are in place to reduce waste and, where reduction is not feasible, to reuse or recycle it. Any residual waste disposal has no adverse effect on the local population or the environment.

a.The amount of solid waste disposed per tourist/night is monitored and managed.
b. A solid waste management plan is in place.
c. The solid waste management plan includes actions to reduce, separate and reuse or recycle food waste.
d. Waste disposal is to a government run or approved facility and there is evidence that the facility has no negative impact on the environment or local population.
e. Solid waste disposed is measured by type and goals are in place to minimize non-diverted solid waste.
f. Guidance is given to customers and staff on minimizing waste.
SDG: 2,12 

Solid waste D9 (destination)

The destination measures and reports on its generation of waste and sets targets for its reduction. It ensures solid waste is properly treated and diverted from landfill, with provision of a multiple-stream collection and recycling system which effectively separates waste by type. 

The destination encourages enterprises to avoid, reduce, reuse, and recycle solid waste, including food waste. 

Action is taken to eliminate or reduce single-use items, especially plastics. Any residual solid waste that is not reused or recycled is disposed of safely and sustainably.

a.Waste monitoring programme, with results and targets published.
b. Coordinated campaign/advice/support with tourism enterprises on waste management, including food waste.
c. Campaign to reduce/eliminate single use items, especially plastics.
d. Waste management programme for public offices and facilities.
e. Provision of a collection and recycling system, with at least four streams (i.e. organic, paper, metal, glass and plastic).
f. Provision of sustainable system for disposal of residual waste.
g. Campaign to eliminate dropping of litter, including by visitors, and to keep public spaces clean.
h. Adequate bins for separated waste disposal.
SDG: 12,14,15

D2.5 Harmful substances (hotel)

The use of harmful substances, including pesticides, paints, swimming pool disinfectants, and cleaning materials, is minimized, and substituted when available by innocuous products or processes. All storage, use, handling, and disposal of chemicals are properly managed.

a. An inventory of harmful substances has been made and material safety data sheets (MSDS) are held.
b. Action has been taken to source more environmentally friendly alternatives.
c. Chemicals, especially those in bulk amounts, are stored and handled in accordance with appropriate standards.
d. Visitors are informed about personal use of substances which may be considered harmful to the local environment (such as toxic sunscreens and repellants).
SDG: 3,12

D2.6 Minimize pollution (hotel)

The organization implements practices to minimize pollution from noise, light, runoff, erosion, ozone-depleting substances, and air, water and soil contaminants.

a. The potential sources of pollution covered in the criterion have been reviewed and identified.
b. The potential sources of pollution covered in the criterion are monitored.
c. Action is taken to minimize and where possible eliminate pollution from the sources covered in the criterion.
SDG: 3, 12 

Light and noise pollution D12 (destination)

The destination has guidelines and regulations to minimize light and noise pollution. The destination encourages enterprises to follow these guidelines and regulations.

a. Guidelines on light and noise pollution – produced and promoted to tourism enterprises.
b. Identification and monitoring of potential sources of noise and light pollution related to tourism.
c. Mechanisms to enable residents to report noise and light pollution, with follow-up action.
SDG: 3,11

D3 Conserving biodiversity, ecosystems and landscapes

D3.1 Biodiversity conservation (hotel/ to)

The organization supports and contributes to biodiversity conservation, including through appropriate management of its own property. 

Particular attention is paid to natural protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value. Any disturbance of natural ecosystems is minimized, rehabilitated and there is a compensatory contribution to conservation management.

a. The organization demonstrates awareness of natural protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value.
b. The organization provides and records monetary support for biodiversity conservation in the local area.
c. The organization provides and records in-kind or other support for biodiversity conservation in the local area.
d. The property is actively managed to support biodiversity conservation.
e. The organization is aware of, and mitigates, activity with potential to disturb wildlife and habitats.
f. Compensation is made where any disturbance has occurred.
g. Action is taken to encourage visitors to support biodiversity conservation.
h. The organization engages with local conservation NGOs.
SDG: 14, 15 

Protection of sensitive environments D1 (destination)

The destination has a system to monitor, measure and respond to the impacts of tourism on the natural environment, conserve ecosystems, habitats and species, and prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species.

a.List of natural heritage sites and assets, indicating type, conservation status and vulnerability.
b. Programmes to conserve biodiversity and natural heritage.
c. Programmes to eradicate and control invasive species.
d. Action to identify, monitor and mitigate tourismimpacts on biodiversity and natural heritage.
e. Mechanisms for using income from tourism to support conservation of natural assets.
f. Communications with visitors and enterprises on reducing spread of alien species.
SDG: 14,15

D3.2 Invasive species (hotel/ to)

The organization takes measures to avoid the introduction of invasive species. Native species are used for landscaping and restoration wherever feasible, particularly in natural landscapes.

a.Sites are monitored for presence of any invasive species.
b. Action is taken to ensure invasive species are not introduced or spread.
c. A programme is in place to eradicate and control invasive species.
d. Landscaping of sites is reviewed to consider use of native species.

Tour Operator

  • Properties owned or operated by the organization and those over which it has direct influence/control are monitored for presence of any invasive species

SDG: 14, 15

D3.3 Visits to natural sites (hotel / to)

The organization follows appropriate guidelines for the management and promotion of visits to natural sites in order to minimize adverse impacts and maximize visitor fulfilment.

a. The organization is aware of, and complies with, existing guidelines for tourist visits to natural sites.
b. Guidelines are used when conducting visits and informing guests.
c. The organization engages with local conservation bodies to establish/identify issues concerning visits to particular sites.

Tour Operator

  1. The organization participates in/supports training and use of local guides in natural sites.
  2. Consideration is given to the capacity and fragility of natural sites, and to the levels of pressure on them, in determining the size, frequency and timing of group visits.
  3. Feedback from local communities and from visitors is encouraged and acted upon.

SDG: 14, 15 

Visitor management at natural sites D2 (destination)

The destination has a system for the management of visitors within and around natural sites, which takes account of their characteristics, capacity and sensitivity and seeks to optimize visitor flow and minimize adverse impacts. 

Guidelines for visitor behaviour at sensitive sites are made available to visitors, tour operators and guides before and at the time of the visit. 

a. Monitoring of visitor flows and impact on natural sites, with results shared across the destination.
b. Evidence of action to manage and mitigate tourism-related impacts in or around natural sites.
c. Existence and distribution of published guidelines on visitor behaviour at sensitive sites, and periodic monitoring of compliance.
d. A code of practice for tour operators and tour guides and/or other engagement with them on visitor management at natural sites.
e. Cooperation with local conservation bodies to identify environmental risks associated with tourism and measures to reduce them.
f. Provision of training for guides.

SDG: 14,15

D3.4 Wildlife interactions (hotel / to)

Interactions with free roaming wildlife, taking into account cumulative impacts, are non-invasive and responsibly managed to avoid adverse effects on the animals concerned and on the viability and behaviour of populations in the wild.

a. The organization is aware of, and complies with, existing local, national and international regulations and guidelines concerning wildlife interactions, including wildlife viewing.
b. The organization engages with the development and implementation of local codes and guidelines for wildlife interactions, including wildlife viewing, as required, based on advice of wildlife experts.
c. Direct interactions, in particular feeding, should not be permitted, unless specifically sanctioned by internationally accepted standards or, where standards are not available, guided by independent wildlife expert advice.
d. Measures are taken to minimize disturbance to wildlife.
e. Impacts on wildlife wellbeing are regularly monitored and addressed.

Tour Operator

The organization ensures that all service providers and sites visited comply with existing local, national and international regulations and guidelines concerning wildlife interactions, including wildlife viewing.
SDG: 14, 15

Wildlife interaction D3 (destination)

SDG: 14,15

D3.5 Animal welfare (hotel/ TO)

No species of wild animal is acquired, bred or held captive, except by authorized and suitably equipped persons and for properly regulated activities in compliance with local and international law. Housing, care and handling of all wild and domestic animals meets the highest standards of animal welfare.

a.The organization is aware of, and complies with, relevant laws and regulations concerning captive wildlife.
b. Existing guidelines for specific tourism activities involving captive wildlife are implemented.
c. Personnel responsible for captive wildlife have appropriate qualifications and experience and are fully licensed.
d. The organization is aware of, and complies with, relevant laws and regulations concerning animal welfare.
e. There is regular inspection of conditions of captive wildlife and their housing.
f. There is regular inspection of conditions of domestic animals and their housing and handling.

The organization ensures that all service providers and sites visited comply with relevant laws, regulations and guidelines concerning captive wildlife and animal welfare.
SDG: 14, 15

Species exploitation and animal welfare D4( destination)

DGS: 14,15

D3.6 Wildlife harvesting and trade (hotel / To)

Wildlife species are not harvested, consumed, displayed, sold, or traded, except as part of a regulated activity that ensures that their utilization is sustainable, and in compliance with local and international laws.

a.The organization is aware of, and complies with, relevant laws and regulations concerning wildlife harvesting and trade.
b. Visitors are informed of regulations concerning wildlife harvesting, consumption and trade and of the need to avoid buying illegal products/souvenirs derived from threatened species of wildlife.notified by IUCN or CITES.
c. Where hunting activity is legal, it forms part of a scientifically based, properly managed and strictly enforced approach to conservation.  

SDG: 14, 15


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