Sustainable tourism theory: Accessible tourism for persons with mobility disabilities

senior couple - him in a wheelchair - visiting a garden

Accessible tourism for persons with mobility disabilities The third round of accessible tourism insights is dedicated to possible improvements to accommodate people with mobility disabilities. The typical stages of the tourist experience are: information search,booking,arrival at the destination,stay, experience or visit, departure and return home. What improvements are possible? Let us look at some of […]

Overtourism, tourism supply and demand – Lake Como 

Overtourism, tourism supply and demand – Lake Como Two specific themes were the protagonists of my May days. On the one hand, there is the ever-widening gap between tourism demand and supply, and on the other, there is the increasingly fundamental role of sustainability in an area. Particularly in tourism, tourists appreciate operators and destinations […]

Air Pollution and the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

air quality monitor tool

Air Pollution and the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Clean air is essential for our health and the environment. However, due to human activities that cause pollutant emissions, air quality has deteriorated considerably. These activities are in particular related to industry, energy production, domestic heating, agriculture and transport. The updated World Health Organisation guidelines […]

Sustainable tourism theory: Accessible tourism for deaf people

Accessible tourism for deaf people The second round of accessible tourism insights is dedicated to the best possible ways to accommodate deaf people. As with the in-depth study on the blind, I describe the possibilities taking into account the booking stages.  Typical steps are: information search, Booking, arrival at the destination,  stay, experience or visit, […]

Sustainable tourism should also be inclusive tourism

Sustainable tourism should also be inclusive tourism In this article, I will define the concept of inclusive tourism better.  First, what is “not inclusive tourism” for me and why?  The practice of making a hotel or destination too suitable for the group of people who frequent it (or would like to frequent it) does not […]