Welcome to Sustainable Tourism World!!

Sara Vitali - Sustainable Tourism World

This is the beginning of my work project, I would like create a website all about the sustainable tourism: projects I’ve heard and I’ve work with, organization are working in, jobs are possible to do in this sector, information for students and researchers.

Well my dream is to create a platform where is possible share information and opportunity worldwide, related with sustainability in general and with the tourism sector especially:

– hospitality:

– destination management:

– local people involvement

and may be is possible, with this blog,  find a job in UNESCO biosphere reserves, UNESCO world heritage sites, National parks. Those are organizations and destinations I would like involve in my projects and i would like work in.

I am sorry if the blogs needs many improvements, probably it will be under contraction for long before update news and real information, I have to understand how write here both in english and italian and create the logo, talk to you about the Borage (a plant I have discovered this summer during my first work experience) and many others things before publishing the real informations!

I would like say thank you if you would like help me with your suggestions about blog, layout, english launguage, tourism projects..starting from now!!