GSTC criteria and indicators insight

Today’s subject is the GSTC criteria and indicators.
I am writing about this topic, even after the previous article about Sustainable tourism indicators for Italy and the world, because I realised that mentioning all the criteria and indicators included in the GSTC framework would add too much information. However, I still consider GSTC criteria and indicators valuable and essential.
Criteria and Indicators in English
Industry: hotel and tour operators
Hotel ( )
Tour Operators ( )
Destination (
Event organisers
Event and exhibitions
Criteria and indicators are in other languages, including Italian.
The GSTC Criteria serve as the global standards for sustainability in travel and tourism. They are used for education and awareness-raising, policy-making for businesses, government agencies, and other organisations, measurement and evaluation, and certification.
They result from a worldwide effort to develop a common language about sustainability in tourism. They are arranged in four pillars:
Sustainable management
Socioeconomic impacts
Cultural impacts
Environmental impacts (including consumption of resources, reducing pollution, and conserving biodiversity and landscapes).
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A1Sustainability management system. | a.- e. | a -e. | A1 Destination management responsibility | A.- E. | 16 peace 17 partnership |
A1 Sustainability management system
The organization has implemented a long-term sustainability management system suitable to its size and scope. This system addresses environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, health, safety, risk, and crisis management issues and drives continuous improvement.
A1a. The Sustainability Management System is documented.
A1b. The SM System covers environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, health and safety issues.
A1c. The SM System includes risk and crisis management considerations.
A1d. Documentary evidence shows the implementation of the SM system.
A1e. The SM System includes a process for monitoring continuous improvement in sustainability performance.
The destination has an effective organization, department, group, or committee responsible for a coordinated approach to sustainable tourism, with the private sector, public sector and civil society involvement.
This group has defined responsibilities, oversight, and implementation capability for managing socio-economic, cultural and environmental issues.
The group is adequately funded, works with a range of bodies in delivering destination management, has access to sufficient staffing (including personnel with experience in sustainability) and follows sustainability principles and transparency in its operations and transactions.
A1A. Documentary evidence showing relevant make-up and responsibilities of the group.
A1B. A financial plan and budget showing current and future funding sources.
A1C. Evidence of links and engagement with other bodies.
A1D. Records of permanent staff and contracted personnel indicating relevant experience.
A1E. Management guidelines and processes demonstrate awareness and adherence to sustainability principles and transparency in operations and contract letting.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A2 Legal compliance | A – b | A – c | A2 Destination management strategy and action plan | A – E. | 17 Partnership |
A2 Legal compliance
The organization (hotel or Tour Operator) complies with all applicable local, national, and international legislation and regulations, including, among other things, health, safety, labour, and environmental aspects.
A2a. An up-to-date list of all applicable legal requirements is maintained.
A2b. Certificates or other documentary evidence show compliance with all applicable legal requirements.
A2C. Legal requirements in all countries of operation are understood and met.
A2 Destination management strategy and action plan
The destination has established and is implementing a multi-year destination management strategy and action plan that is publicly available, suited to its scale, developed with stakeholder engagement, and based on sustainability principles.
The strategy includes identifying and assessing tourism assets and considering socio-economic, cultural, and environmental issues and risks.
The strategy relates to and influences the destination’s more comprehensive sustainable development policy and action.
A2A. A published document setting out the current destination strategy and action.
A2B. The strategy/plan is visible and available online.
A2C. Evidence of stakeholder consultation, meetings, etc., in developing the plan.
A2D. Reference to sustainability principles and an assessment of assets, issues and risks contained in the strategy and action plan.
A2E. Specific references in the strategy/action plan to wider sustainable development policy (including pursuing the SDGs), and vice versa.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A3 Reporting and communication | a – c. | a – c. | A3 Monitoring and reporting | A- D | 12 responsible production and consumption |
A3 Reporting and communication + Monitoring and reporting
The organization (hotel or tour operator) communicates its sustainability policy, actions and performance to stakeholders, including customers, and seeks to engage their support.
A3a. Regular reports on sustainability performance are made available.
A3b. Sustainability policies and actions are reported in external and internal communication material.
A3c. Communications contain messages inviting consumer and stakeholder support.
A3 Monitoring and reporting
The destination is implementing a system to monitor and respond to socio-economic, cultural and environmental issues and impacts arising from tourism.
Actions and outcomes are regularly monitored, evaluated and publicly reported. The monitoring system is periodically reviewed.
A3A. Specific, quantifiable socio-economic, cultural and environmental indicators and targets were identified.
A3B. Measurement against these indicators, with results recorded and publicised at least annually.
A3C. Written evidence of monitoring and reporting of actions and outcomes.
A3D. Previous reviews of monitoring system and schedule for future reviews.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A4. A4 Staff engagement | a – d | a – d. | A4 Enterprise Engagement A5 | A. B.C. D. E. + A.B.C.D. | 12 responsible production and consumption 17 partnership 11 sustainable city |
A4 Staff engagement + stakeholder engagement A4 + A5
Staff (hotel and TO) are engaged with developing and implementing the sustainability management system and receive periodic guidance and training regarding their roles and responsibilities in its delivery.
A4a. Evidence of staff involvement with the SM System is available.
A4b. Records of courses and on-the-job training, with attendance levels, are available.
A4c. Staff training and guidance materials are available in an accessible format (including using minority languages where needed).
A4d. Staff hold certificates and qualifications in relevant disciplines/skills.
Stakeholder engagement:
A4 Enterprise engagement and sustainability standards +
A5 Resident engagement and feedback +
A6 Visitor engagement and feedback
Enterprise engagement and sustainability standards (A4)
The destination regularly informs tourism-related enterprises about sustainability issues and encourages and supports them in making their operations more sustainable.
The destination promotes adopting sustainability standards, applying GSTC-I-recognised standards, and, where available, establishing GSTC-I-accredited certification schemes for tourism enterprises.
The destination publicizes a list of sustainability-certified enterprises.
A4A. Evidence of regular communication of sustainability issues to tourism-related businesses (Media, meetings, direct contact, etc.).
A4B. Sustainability support and advice to tourism-related businesses are available and promoted.
A4C. Number and percentage of businesses certified against tourism sustainability standards (and whether GSTC is recognised/accredited), with targets for wider outreach.
A4Dd. Evidence of promotion of certification schemes.
A4E. The list of tourism-related certified enterprises has been kept up to date.
A5 Resident engagement and feedback
The destination enables and promotes public participation in sustainable destination planning and management.
Local communities’ aspirations, concerns and satisfaction with tourism sustainability and destination management are regularly monitored and publicly reported, and action is taken in response.
The destination has a system to enhance local understanding of sustainable tourism opportunities and challenges and to build communities’ capacity to respond.
A5A. Evidence of promoting and facilitating public participation in destination planning/management.
A5B. Information on the type and level of such participation.
A5C. Surveys of residents and other systematic feedback mechanisms covering tourism issues.
A5D. Evidence of action taken in response to residents’ feedback.
A5E. A programme of information, education, and training on tourism is provided for residents.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A5. Customer experience | a – c. | a.b.c.d. | A6. Visitor engagement | A,- D | 17 partnership |
A5 Customer experience (hotel and Tour operator)
Customer satisfaction, including aspects of sustainability, is monitored, and corrective action is taken.
A5a. A customer feedback system and an analysis of the results are in place.
A5b. Negative feedback and responses made to this are recorded.
A5c. There is evidence of corrective actions taken.
A6 Visitor engagement and feedback
The destination has a system to monitor and publicly report visitor satisfaction with the quality and sustainability of the destination experience and, if necessary, to take action in response.
Visitors are informed about the destination’s sustainability issues and the part they can play in addressing them.
A6A. Visitor surveys (and other feedback mechanisms) were carried out and reported.
A6B. Surveys and feedback include visitor reactions to sustainability issues.
A6C. Evidence of actions taken in response to visitor survey/feedback findings.
A6D. Examples of visitor information that covers sustainability issues and how to respond to them.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A6. Accurate promotion | a. b. | a. – c. | A7. promotion and info | A – D | 12 |
A6 Accurate promotion (hotel and TO) – Promotion and information (A7 destination)
Promotional materials and marketing communications are accurate and transparent.
About the organisation and its products and services, including sustainability claims. They only promise what is being delivered.
A6a. Images adopted at the promotional level reflect the reality of the services and experiences provided.
A6b. The sustainability claim is based on existing and recorded results.
Tour Operators.
A6a. Images adopted at the promotional level reflect the reality of the experiences provided and the places customers visit.
A6b. Marketing about natural or cultural events does not promise sightings that cannot be guaranteed.
A6c. The sustainability claim is based on existing and recorded results.
A7 Promotion and information
Promotion and visitor information material about the destination is accurate regarding its products, services, and sustainability claims.
Marketing messages and other communications reflect the destination’s values and approach to sustainability and treat local communities and natural and cultural assets with respect.
A7A. Up-to-date information and promotional materials with appropriate content.
A7B. There is a process to verify the accuracy and appropriateness of promotion and destination information.
A7C. Evidence of consultation with local communities and environmental and cultural bodies on the content and delivery of communications.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A7. Buildings and infrastructure | See description | See description | A11 Risk and crisis management | A – D | 11 E 16 |
A7 Buildings and infrastructure(hotel and tour operator).
Planning, siting, design, construction, renovation, operation and demolition of buildings and infrastructure.
Indicators for A7 criteria relate to the buildings and infrastructure associated with the certified accommodation.
Tour operator
Indicators for Criteria A7 refer to buildings and infrastructure owned and operated by the organization or over which they have direct influence/control.
A11 Risk and crisis management (destination)
The destination has a risk reduction, crisis management and emergency response plan that is appropriate to the destination. Key elements are communicated to residents, visitors, and enterprises. Procedures and resources are established for implementing the plan, and it is regularly updated.
A11A. A documented risk reduction, crisis management and emergency response plan for tourism in the destination.
A11B. The plan recognises various risks, including natural disasters, terrorism, health, resource depletion, and others appropriate to the location.
A11C. Communication procedures identified for use during and after an emergency.
A11D. Programme for local delivery of information and training on risk and crisis management.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A7. Buildings and infrastructure A7.1 Compliance | a, b, c | A, b, c | A9 Planning regulations and development control | A – F | 11 -9 |
A7.1 Compliance (hotel and to)
Comply with zoning requirements and laws related to protected and sensitive areas and heritage considerations.
A7.1a. Awareness of and compliance with laws relating to land use and activities in the local area is demonstrated.
A7.1b. All required licences and permits are up to date.
A7.1c. Awareness of and compliance with, non-statutory area management plans and guidance (e.g. for particular zones, design, etc.) is demonstrated.
A9 Planning regulations and development control (destination)
The destination has planning guidelines, regulationsvzc s, and policies that control the location and nature of development, which require environmental, economic, and socio-cultural impact assessment and integration of sustainable land use, design, construction, and demolition.
Regulations also apply to operations, including property rental and concessions for tourism purposes. The guidelines, regulations and policies were created with public participation and are widely communicated and enforced.
A9A. Specific policies/regulations/ guidelines which control development – documented and identified by title and date.
A9B. Impact assessment requirements cover environmental, economic, and socio-cultural impacts at a sufficient scale to address long-term issues for the destination.
A9C. Specific regulations on property rental and operation for tourism, with evidence of their application and enforcement.
A9D. Evidence of public participation in developing policies/regulations/guidelines.
A9E. Evidence of consultation with, and consent from indigenous people or minority ethnic groups when tourism development has been proposed or has occurred in their territories.
A9F. Evidence of communication and enforcement of the policies/regulations/guidance at the planning, development, and implementation stages.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A7.Buildings and infrastructure. A7.2 Impact and Integrity | a- h. | a – h. | A8 Managing visitor volumes and activities | A – E | 11 – 12 |
A7.2 Impact and Integrity (hotel and tour operator)
Take account of the capacity and integrity of the natural and cultural surroundings.
A7.2a. Site selection, design, and access consider visual amenities, landscape, and cultural and natural heritage.
A7.2b. Site selection, design, and access have considered the protection of biologically sensitive areas and the assimilative capacity of ecosystems.
A7.2c. The integrity of archaeological, cultural heritage, and sacred sites has been preserved.
A7.2d. The integrity and connectivity of natural sites and protected areas have been preserved.
A7.2e. Threatened or protected species have not been displaced, and impact on all wildlife habitats has been minimised and mitigated.
A7.2f. Watercourses/catchments/wetlands have not been altered, run-off is reduced where possible, and any residue is captured, channelled, and filtered.
A7.2g. Risk factors (including climate change, natural phenomena, and visitor safety) have been assessed and addressed.
A7.2h. Impact assessment (including cumulative impacts) has been undertaken and documented as appropriate.
A8 Managing visitor volumes and activities
The destination has a system for visitor management, which is regularly reviewed.
Action is taken to monitor and manage the volume and activities of visitors and to reduce or increase them as necessary at certain times and in certain locations, working to balance the needs of the local economy, community, cultural heritage and environment.
A8A The destination management strategy and action plan addresses seasonality and Spread of visitation.
A8B. Variation in visitor volumes throughout the year is monitored, including in the most visited locations.
A8C. Impacts of visitor volumes and activities are identified through observation and community and stakeholder feedback.
A8D. Actions taken to manage visitor flows and impacts.
A8E. Marketing strategy and target market selection take into account visit patterns, the impact of activities and destination needs.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A7. Buildings and infrastructure. A7.3 sustainable practices and materials | a -e. | a – e. | A10 climate change adaptation | A – E | 13 |
A7.3 Sustainable practices and materials
Use locally appropriate and sustainable practices and materials.
A7.3a. Local materials, practices and crafts have been used in buildings and design where practicable and appropriate.
A7.3b. Native and endemic plants obtained from sustainable sources have been used in landscaping and decoration, avoiding exotic and invasive species.
A7.3c. Plants have been selected for their ability to tolerate prevailing or anticipated conditions eg drought tolerant plants
A7.3d. Sustainable design, materials and construction practices have been used in buildings, with appropriate certification where possible.
A7.3e. Waste from construction is sorted and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.
A10 Climate change adaptation.
The destination identifies risks and opportunities associated with climate change.
Climate change adaptation strategies are pursued for the siting,design,development and management of tourism facilities.
Information on predicted climate change, associated risks and future conditions is provided for residents, businesses and visitors.
A10A. The destination management strategy and action plan identifies and addresses climate issues.
A10B. Regulations, guidelines and zoning for tourism development and activities accommodate the consequences of climate change.
A10C A climate risk assessment covering current and future risks – undertaken and made publicly available.
A10D Evidence of consideration of the impact on, and contribution of, local ecosystems to climate change adaptation.
A10E Information on climate change that has been made publicly available.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destinatination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A7. Costruzioni e infrastrutture. A7.4 access for all | a – c | a – c |
A7.4 Access for all (hotel and tour operator)
Provide access and information for persons with special needs, where appropriate.
A7.4a. Sites, buildings and activities are accessible to persons with physical disabilities and other special needs, as appropriate to the nature of the operation.
A7.4b. Clear and accurate information is provided on the level of accessibility.
A7.4c. Accessibility is certified or checked with relevant experts/user bodies.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destinatination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A8.Land water and property rights. | a – d | a – d |
A8 Land water and property rights (hotel)
Acquisition by the organization of land and water rights and of property is legal, complies with local communal and indigenous rights, including their free, prior and informed consent, and does not require involuntary resettlement.
A8a. Land ownership and tenure rights are documented.
A8b. User and access rights for key resources, including land and water, are documented where applicable.
A8c. There is documentary evidence of communication, consultation and engagement with local and indigenous communities.
A8d. Evidence of free, prior and informed consent of local communities is documented, where relevant (showing no involuntary resettlement or land acquisition).
A8 Land Water and Property Rights (tour operator).
The organisation’s acquisition of rights and property related to land and water is legal and follows community and Indigenous peoples’ rights, including their prior, accessible, and informed consent, and does not require their involuntary relocation.
A8a. Land and rights ownership are documented on sites owned and managed by the organisation or over which they have direct influence/control.
A8b. Where necessary, there is documentation of rights to access and use primary resources, including land and water.
A8c. There is documented evidence of communication, consultation and direct involvement with local and indigenous communities.
A8d. Evidence of prior and informed consent of local communities is presented where relevant (demonstrating that involuntary relocation and land acquisition has not occurred).
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destinatination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A9. information and interpretation | a, b, c | a, b |
A9 Information and interpretation
The organisation provides information about and interpretation of the natural surroundings, local culture, and cultural heritage, as well as an explanation of appropriate behaviour while visiting natural areas, living cultures, and cultural heritage sites.
A9.a Tools for information and interpretation of the area’s nature and cultural heritage are available and made available to clients.
A9.b Staff are informed and trained about the area’s natural cultural heritage.
A9.c Information is provided regarding appropriate behaviour for the area.
Criteria | Hotel Indicators | Tour Operator indicators | Criteria | Destinatination Indicators | SDGs |
SECTION A: Demonstrate effective sustainable management | |||||
A10. Destination engagement | a, c | a, b |
A10 Destination engagement (hotel).
The organisation is involved in planning and managing tourism where this opportunity exists.
A10a. The organisation is a member of the local Pro Loco or equivalent bodies where they exist.
A10b. The organisation participates in collaborations among local communities, nonprofit organisations, and other local entities where they exist.
A10c. The organization participates in the planning and management of meetings and activities related to sustainable tourism in the destination in which it falls.
A10 Destination engagement (Tour operator)
A10a. The organisation contacts the local Pro Loco or equivalent bodies in its most active areas.
A10b. The organisation engages in sustainable tourism planning and management in the most active destinations.
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