This 4-5 March, I attended ITB in Berlin for the first time, I decided to start my comeback (il mio ritorno) with a whole new experience. 

I had the privilege to stay with my family in Berlin for some days, and I discovered a well-organised city, going forward never forgetting its history, but with many activists. 

ITB Berlin 2025 - Sara Vitali - adv


We visited the city, surrounded by domestic and international tourists (not many, actually), workers and activists demonstrating against the Russia- Ukraine war and intensive farming. 


It is noticeable that the city faces classic problems such as gentrification and rising prices. 


It is not always visible if and how they address it, but some priorities can be perceived. For example, the change of use of the Tempelhof airport, which since its closure in 2008 has become a large flat park, hosting events, a crèche, a barbecue area, and some football and basketball pitches. I believe that Tempelhof has enormous potential for the area, which has yet to be discovered and developed.  


All politicians and people with voting rights should visit the Wall memorial site. Simply visiting this memorial should be enough to prevent new walls and wars and convey a desire for unity to all people. 


Unfortunately, recent history has shown us that this is not the case. History, unfortunately, repeats itself; it does not teach. 

I was 2 years old when the Berlin Wall was finally opened, my son is now 2 years old, and Trump can go on building the US – Mexico wall.

ITB 2025

After the days of visiting, ITB began. 2 words for you: huge & amazing. 


I was ready for the size. I organised many meetings and attended most of them (some people did not arrive), but I didn’t have much time to check casualties in the halls. 

I run around Europe (Italy included) and the Responsible Tourism Hall. The rest of the world was too far away.
So, if you plan to attend it next time, wear comfortable shoes and use WhatsApp, as the match and meet app didn’t work well!    

Next time, I will have fewer daily meetings and stay for three days. I will connect with the people earlier and attend more post-event dinners.


ITB had a whole area dedicated to responsible tourism, 1/3 of an entire hall. This is impressive! You feel more important to be part of this “niche” when you have so much dedicated space. Also, the colleagues of Mascontour organised the Sustainability Lounge, an area where it was possible to have a table for meeting free of charge, including soft drinks and coffees.  Next time, I will for sure reserve a table for my meetings there. 

Each meeting was interesting and valuable. I met with so many interesting people and organisations. I also met colleagues in person whom I only knew online. 


Lis Ramirez (Quinti), Lars von der Wettern (Singular Places), Jo Geneen (Sustainability & Impact Consulting), Mayte Redondo Castuera (Travel 2 Care People and Planet), Fiorenza Favero (Komoot) ,  Anna DOVADOLA (BIKESPLUS), Sivia Lorenzini (LAGO MAGGIORE TOURISM BOARD),  Samantha Smits, Katrin Mamberto ( LIGURIA TOGETHER), Cristina and Erica (Bioscore Sustainability), Dario Toni (Welcome Costa Rossa Sardegna), Hubert VENDEVILLE ( Betterfly Tourism), Marion Bertaux (Untracked Italy) Fiz Rivero Villar (Galicia Destino Sostible ), Sinem Soygul (Visit Izmir), Cristina Achitei (Bucovina (Suceava) / Tourism Department), Aukje van Gerven (MOYO Training Foundation), Alessia Seguin (SKYWAY MONTE BIANCO), 

Andreas Grammes (MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL CORFU AND DIAPONTIAN ISLANDS), D’Arcy Dornan (Green Destinations), Linda Heinemann(GECO-Green Event Consulting). 

Meeting them helped me find new colleagues, confirm some ideas for my next direction/ phase, and be inspired by those doing very well! And find some new opportunities, too. 

I will share more about some of them; right now is the time to process as much as possible!

Sara & Lars at ITB Berlin


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